23 JANUARY 2009
Clarity on proposals in City’s Draft By-law on Liquor Trading Days and Hours
Reports that the City of Cape Town is proposing (in its Draft Liquor Trading Hours By-law) to give permission to liquor stores to open on Sundays are incorrect.
The only new addition to existing liquor sales allowed on Sundays that is proposed in the draft by-law is for supermarkets to sell wine on Sundays. This proposal is in line with the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act No.4 of 2008), recently passed by the Western Cape Provincial Government.
However, if public comment calls for the City to continue to restrict the sale of wine from supermarkets on Sundays, the City does have the jurisdiction (in terms of the Constitution) to curb this in areas within the metro region.
Submission of comments:
We invite the public to provide us with their formal comments on or before 27 February 2009 to fax number: 021 400 1465, e-mailed to: liquor.bylaw@capetown.gov.za, or sub-council offices. For enquiries please call 021 400 1450.
Copies of the draft by-law are available at all sub-council offices and libraries, as well as on the
City of Cape Town’s website: www.capetown.gov.za
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